
Jade is a short film that explores racial trauma in youth through the POV of teenage Jade. When Jade ‘clashes’ (read: is on the receiving end of racist behavior) with yet another teacher, her high school guidance counselor demands that she see the new school therapist. Having had terrible experiences in the past, she is very skeptical, even with her big brother’s words of encouragement. Armed with his support, she walks into the session to find out if anyone at this school could ever understand her.

Written by Kyra Jones and directed by Reshmi Hazra Rustebakke, the film was developed in partnership with Northwestern University’s Center for Child Trauma Assessment Services and Systems Integration. In addition to the film, there is an accompanying documentary and we are currently developing a comic strip. The film was an official selection for the Midwest Film. It can be viewed on the CCTASSI website and Open Television.